6 Need-To-Know Steps For Deaf Students Transitioning From High School To College

This interview features Annie Tulkin of Accessible College, an expert in transitioning Deaf students from high school to college. Listen to Annie explore the challenges facing transitioning students with Adam Karasch, the Chief Executive Officer of a second-generation family business that’s been providing accommodations for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Community for decades. Annie and Adam walk you through a roadmap of steps towards excellence in your college career as a DHOH student.

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6 Need-To-Know Steps For Deaf Students Transitioning From High School To College


Deaf and hard-of-hearing students transitioning from high school to college are at a disadvantage. Many of them fall behind hearing students within the first semester. Why? Because transitioning means that along with matriculation comes the end of laws and procedures protecting deaf kids under the IDEA and Section 504 statutes. But the end of their K-12 school career doesn’t mean the end of their rights to equal opportunity and inclusion.

This interview shares six steps for DHOH students transitioning from high school to college. It provides a roadmap to ensure you start your college career on a level playing field with hearing students. Follow the roadmap to be sure you take the right steps at the appropriate time to get the support you have every right to. Use this advice to advocate properly for yourself.

Schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation about your transition below!

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